Become a Fever Fighter
In order to grow we need people who fight the fever with us. There are many way to be part of our organization:
Spread the knowledge about indigenous remedies for malaria through civic organizations and activists!
Help us with fundraising for our projects.
Educate your personal environment talking to people from the global north about the profit driven health policies that can’t prevent millions of avoidable deaths.
Arrange screenings of THE FEVER in your area. You know local organizations that deal with topics like herbal medicine or colonial responsibility? Inform them about the feature documentary THE FEVER and suggest a movie night. There is a special offer for non profit organizations by the distributor.
You have an idea that might bring us forward?
Send a mail to:

Want to become a Member?
Send us an email ( with the subjectline “membership” containing the following information:
Membership tariff; paid annually (choose: – active: 49.oo,-/ -passive 99.00,-/ -reduced, student, unemployed, pensioner: 19.00,-)
Copy the following into the email: “I agree to have read the privacy policy of Fight The Fever and I agree. I confirm that I have read the full declaration of the newsletter terms and conditions and I agree. I confirm that I have read the full explanation of the photo, image and video recordings and I agree.”
Your application will be processed at the next board meeting, and afterwards you will receive feedback about your acceptance and a welcome goodie.